Aponeo 18 Jahre Erfahrung

About Us

Sin­ce 2006 we have sup­pli­ed hundreds of thou­sands of cus­to­mers throug­hout Ger­ma­ny. We thank you for your trust.

Who is behind APONEO and how did the mail order phar­ma­cy come about? Did you know that every Ger­man mail order phar­ma­cy must have a sta­tio­na­ry phar­ma­cy? Learn more about our APONEO phar­ma­cy in Ber­lin Lich­ten­berg, which also offers the best pri­ces for the available range.

APONEO — More than a phar­ma­cy, today it is one of the ten lar­gest mail order phar­maci­es in Ger­ma­ny and employs a team of 80 phar­macists and phar­maceu­ti­cal­ly trai­ned spe­cia­lists. Sin­ce the end of 2006, the num­ber of cus­to­mers has grown from 40,000 to over 1,000,000 today. Every day we hand over around 4,000 par­cels to our ship­ping ser­vice pro­vi­ders. The pro­duct port­fo­lio of our health depart­ment store com­pri­ses 140,000 artic­les and is pri­ma­ri­ly aimed at pri­ce- and qua­li­ty-con­scious cus­to­mers with pre­dic­ta­ble needs. The assort­ment ran­ges from pre­scrip­ti­on and over-the-coun­ter medi­ci­nes, die­ta­ry sup­ple­ments, cont­act len­ses, ero­tic artic­les to cos­me­tics and well­ness products.

With the web shop, which went live in Sep­tem­ber 2011, APONEO rea­ched a new dimen­si­on in the Ger­man mail order phar­ma­cy mar­ket. Sin­ce 2012, smart­phone users can also reach us via the spe­cial mobi­le shop. In addi­ti­on to num­e­rous pro­ducts from the are­as of health and well­ness we offer you a lot of infor­ma­ti­on. Many exci­ting pos­si­bi­li­ties to com­mu­ni­ca­te with us are wai­ting for you. Take advan­ta­ge of this oppor­tu­ni­ty. We look for­ward to see­ing you.

In the begin­ning the­re were 10 par­cels per day, then 20 and quick­ly it beca­me more and more. The initi­al­ly used cel­lar beca­me too small and a new, lar­ger pro­per­ty had to be found. In May 2006 we final­ly ope­ned the mail-order phar­ma­cy APONEO in Ber­lin-Hohen­schön­hau­sen with a distance of a few kilo­me­t­res to the mother pharmacy.

Alre­a­dy in 2005, the phar­macist Kon­stan­tin Prim­bas felt the gro­wing open-min­ded­ness for health shop­ping in Ger­ma­ny. As the owner of the Bären Apo­the­ke in Ber­lin, he noti­ced the incre­asing demand for a drug deli­very ser­vice to the front door in talks with cus­to­mers. Kon­stan­tin Prim­bas put this idea into prac­ti­ce in spring 2006 by foun­ding APONEO. In this chan­ging health­ca­re mar­ket we still see a gre­at chall­enge and opportunity.

APONEO more than phar­ma­cy is a busi­ness part of the:

APONEO phar­ma­cy
Frank­fur­ter Allee 241
10365 Ber­lin



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