NEW! 4 Jahre Erfahrung

From 2022, peo­p­le with health rest­ric­tions can find deli­cious, healt­hy recipes for their own pre­pa­ra­ti­on or for hea­ting under the medi­ment­um­He­alth­Food brand. 

medi­ment­um­He­alth­Food is crea­ted to enable peo­p­le with health impairm­ents to have a fresh, tasty and balan­ced diet that takes their spe­cial needs into account.

The medi­men­tum health por­tals deal in detail with pre­ven­ti­on and the­ra­py in spe­cia­li­zed medi­cal fields. In the well-foun­ded, sci­en­ti­fic exami­na­ti­on of dise­a­ses, espe­ci­al­ly in the are­as of onco­lo­gy, gyneco­lo­gy, dia­be­tes and the COVID-19 pan­de­mic, the topic of healt­hy nut­ri­ti­on is of cen­tral importance.

medi­ment­um­He­alth­Food brings peo­p­le a high-qua­li­ty main meal every day. Com­pi­led on a weekly basis by medi­cal nut­ri­ti­on experts, you will find varied pre­pared menus in our mar­ket­place that you can cook yourself.

Visit us on our website 


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